
 Svalinn – Web Application Firewall as a Service

Svalinn is an advanced Web Application Firewall as a Service (WAFaaS) that offers robust protection and load balancing features to safeguard your web applications and services. With machine learning-based security, API protection, intrusion prevention, and versatile load balancing capabilities, Svalinn provides a comprehensive solution for enhancing your web application security and performance.

Web Application Firewall Features

Machine Learning-based Application Firewall

Effective protection against application layer attacks, including OWASP Top 10, with minimal tuning and zero false positives.

Pre-emptive defense against zero-day vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and Spring4Shell, without requiring software updates.

API Security

Prevent malicious API access and abuse, securing your application's data and functionality.

Intrusion Prevention

Full Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) engine with support for custom Snort 3.0 signatures.

Shields against over 2,800 web Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) using Check Point's award-winning NSS-Certified IPS (Premium Edition).

Rate Limiting

Protect websites and APIs by setting request rate limits, based on identifiers such as IP addresses.

HTTPS Traffic Inspection

Securely inspect SSL/TLS traffic, with the ability to store SSL certificates and private keys locally.

Load Balancer Features

  • HTTP and TCP/UDP Support

    upports both HTTP and TCP/UDP protocols for versatile load balancing.

  • Layer 7 Request Routing

    Intelligent routing based on application layer attributes for efficient traffic management.

  • Session Persistence

    Ensures that user sessions are maintained across multiple requests, improving user experience.

  • Static and Dynamic Content Caching

    Caches content to reduce server load and accelerate content delivery.

  • Origin Server for Static Content

    Directs static content requests to an origin server for efficient delivery.

  • Reverse Proxy

    Supports various reverse proxy protocols including HTTP, FastCGI, memcached, SCGI, and uwsgi.

  • HTTP/2 Gateway

    Facilitates HTTP/2 protocol for faster and more efficient web communication.

  • gRPC Proxy

    Enables gRPC protocol support for modern, high-performance communication.

  • HTTP/2 Server Push

    Pushes content to clients to improve loading times and user experience.

  • HTTP/3 over QUIC

    Supports the latest HTTP/3 protocol over QUIC for enhanced security and performance.

  • HTTP Basic Authentication

    Provides basic authentication mechanisms to secure access to resources.

  • HTTP Authentication Subrequests

    Allows subrequests for authentication purposes, enhancing security.

  • IP Address-based Access Control Lists

    Control access to your services based on IP address rules for security.

  • Rate Limiting

    Manage request rate limits to ensure fair resource utilization and mitigate abuse.

  • RDual Stack RSA/ECC SSL/TLS Offload

    Offload SSL/TLS encryption using both RSA and ECC algorithms for improved security

  • TLS 1.3 Support

    Embrace the latest TLS 1.3 protocol for enhanced security and encryption.

Svalinn is the all-encompassing solution for securing and optimizing your web applications and services.

  • Web Application Firewall as a Service for 12 months
  • Single front-end IP
  • SSL offloading for single site.
  • Two Load-balanced connections to the customer’s backend servers.

For additional features please contact

Benefits Of Live Vulnerability Services
Management Approach

What’s Included

  • Web Application Firewall as a Service for 12 months
  • Single front-end IP
  • SSL offloading for single site.
  • Two Load-balanced connections to the customer’s backend servers.

For additional features please contact